Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Saving the children from Kidnapping - who is responsible? The state, school, or the parents?

Everyone knows that last month (Nov, Dec 2010), there were episodes of kidnapping and murder of school children by various criminals in Tamil Nadu.  Immediately following these incidents, the State Police Department took instant steps to strengthen the police presense outside of schools, and other public places.  Now that it has been over a month since the incident, you do not see the kind of police that were there when the news was still 'hot'.  Let us face it !
Is it really possible for the police to ALWAYS have hundreds of police force guarding the schools all the time?
Are the criminals really gullible enough to wait outside of schools to kidnap the children? 
I mean, who has the real interest in the safety of the children?  I would hope to think that it should be the parents first and secondly, may be the schools.  Yes, the state has the larger interest in keeping the law and order of the state but that is only in a larger perspective.  I would put parents and schools ahead of the state.
To my surprise, neither of them seem to have done anything on that. 
May be the parents have individually coached their kids on safe practices to protect against kidnapping, I really would not know that.  But, I certainly expected the schools to immediately send a circular, call for special PTA meeting or other sorts to create awareness on safety practices for their wards
My child (16 year old) goes to a well endowed city school that boasts having the facility of internet where they send exam schedules, fee schedules, etc. to parents by email.  There has NOT been a single mail telling parents what they should do, how to guide and coach the children to be safe.  Also, the schools can easily create an environment where the parents could collaborate to ensure the safety of every child in the school but that has not been done.
I believe in 'Prevention is better than cure',  I feel that whether there is kidnapping taking place or not, periodically, such mails of importance should be sent to all the parents, either by email or by snail mail. Why do they not do that?
Why have they not acted even after several incidences? 
Do they not care? 

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